All SwimEx pools are made to the industry’s highest standards. These pools are made for a
lifetime of safe, fun swimming and exercising. Listed below are some of the major safety
features of SwimEx pools.
* Pneumatic (Air) Button Swimmer Controls: Stop, Start, Slow, and Fast air push
buttons let you adjust the current from inside the pool.
* Rear Shut-Off Bar: air tube mounted along the entire length of the rear of the pool -
push anywhere on the tube to immediately stop the current.
* E.T.L. (Electronic Testing Laboratories) Approved: the entire SwimEx pool and the
options have been tested and approval by E.T.L. under UL specifications for spas &
hot tubs (UL1563).
* Front and Rear Safety Grilles: 3/4" thick stainless steel front and rear grilles protect
the swimmer from the paddlewheel propulsion system. Additionally, the rear grille
(intake) openings are only 1/8" wide.
* Front and Side Handrails: stainless steel grab rails surround the water area for added
* Non-Skid Surface: the entire pool floor is manufactured with a non-skid surface that
will not wear down.
* Main Drain & Filter Intakes: the main drain is not accessible from the swim area.
There are two filter (water) intakes, or suction lines: one is not accessible from the swim
area, and the other is housed in a basket located in the skimmer.