Modular UPS 25KVA~900KVA User Manual 59
Open the battery breaker and close the maintenance bypass. And the load is
powered through maintenance bypass and static bypass.
Pull out the bypass module (for 6-slot and 10-slot cabinet) , and dismantle
monitoring, static bypass unit (for 20-slot cabinet) and the load is powered
through maintenance bypass.
Before making this operation, read messages on LCD display to be sure that bypass supply is
regular and the inverter is synchronous with it, so as not to risk a short interruption in powering
the load.
If you need to maintain the power module, wait for 10 minutes to let the DC bus capacitor fully
discharge before removing the cover.
5.2.5 Switching the UPS into Normal Mode from Maintenance Bypass Mode
These following procedures can transfer the load from the Maintenance Bypass mode
to inverter output.
The bypass turns on 30S after the LED touch screen goes on, the bypass indicator
goes green and the load is powered through maintenance bypass and static bypass.
Turn off the maintenance bypass switch and the load is powered through bypass.
The rectifier starts followed by the inverter.
After 60S, the system transfers to Normal mode.
5.3 Battery Maintenance
If the battery is not in use for a long time, it is necessary to test the condition of the
battery. Two methods are provided:
Manual Discharging test. Enter the menu Operate
as is shown in Fig.5-4 and touch
the icon “Battery maintenance”
the system transfers into the Battery
mode for discharging. The system will stop discharging when the battery will have
20% of capacity or in low voltage. Users can stop the discharging by touching the
“Stop Test” icon