This section describes installation of the Iridium.sll library.
To install the Iridium.sll library, copy the file to the “\Flash Disk” subdirectory of your Xpert
using Xterm. For more information on performing this file transfer, please refer to chapter 6 of
the Xpert or 9210 user manual.
Once the library file has been transferred, reboot the Xpert. The library will load automatically
after the Xpert reboots.
To uninstall the library, use Xterm to delete the file from the Flash Disk subdirectory. This can
only be done when the Xpert application is not running (select “Exit App” from the Status tab).
In order for the Iridium.sll library to load and operate correctly, the version of the Iridium.sll file
must be the same as the version of the application loaded into the Xpert. This is usually not a
concern because the same versions of the sll and application are typically packaged together.
Should the need arise to verify that the versions are the same, the version of the sll as it resides
on the PC can be determined by looking at the file’s properties (right-click on the file and select
the “Version” tab). The version of the Xpert application is given by the application itself, at the
top of the About dialog, which is accessed from the Status tab.