Transmit “Content” Dialog
When you press the Content button on the Iridium Transmission Settings dialog, the “Set Tx
Content” dialog opens showing a list of all ISBD blocks in the graphical setup (as well as any
data points tagged in EzSetup).
Figure 4: Select Tx Content
When more entries exist than can be shown in the dialog, scroll bars appear, allowing you to
scroll to other entries.
From this dialog, you can change the value of the “TxContent” property for each data item in the
list. You can also press the “…” button to access and change other properties in the block’s
properties dialog. See
for more information on how to configure these
Mobile Terminated (MT) Messages
When you send a message to the station via Iridium SBD (i.e., a “Mobile Terminated” message),
the Xpert will attempt to process the message text as if it’s a command meant for the Xpert
command-line. All command-line commands are supported. The Xpert sends the entire
command line response, in multiple SBD messages, if required (responses are NOT truncated to
only a single SBD message).
NOTE: command responses can be LARGE, and can therefore be expensive.
Commands should be preceded by an exclamation point to disable screen pagination, etc. If a
data or setup authorization password has been defined, this too must precede the command.
MT Command Examples
Return a listing of sensor and tag values. No
authorization required.
!show batt
Show current value of sensor “batt”
!get /today
Show contents of ssp log for today