Figure 13: Today's Totals Dialog
Total Tx/Rx Errors
Total tx/rx errors increments any time the system has a problem transmitting or receiving due to
a weak signal. Hence, you can use this figure to evaluate how well your antenna is placed. Note
that a tx/rx error does NOT mean a transmission totally failed (was never transmitted), but only
that an error occurred while trying to transmit. The system continues to retry transmissions
experiencing errors, until the transmission finally makes it through.
Totals Over Time
The totals shown on the Iridium diagnostics tab are all daily totals, meaning they apply only to
the current day, so far. To track totals over several days, use the system log. At the end of every
day, the day’s totals are logged to the system log. This allows you to retrieve daily totals, and
add them up to see totals over a longer term.
Here’s an example log entry of daily totals:
12/18/2012,00:00:00,(Stat) - Iridium COM3: Totals: ST=24, AL=0, MT=0,
RA=0, MC=0, Tx=1753, Rx=0, Err=3,,,
The following table explains what each entry represents:
Number of self-timed transmissions for the day
Number of alarm transmissions for the day
Number of received messages for the day
Number of ring alerts (message waiting indications) for the day
Number of message checks for the day
Total bytes transmitted for the day
Total bytes received for the day