Heatseeker UniPanel®
Solar Pool Heating
Mode Button
Pressing this button changes to the next mode of operation in the following order;
Heating / Manual / Standby.
Once the mode button is no longer being pushed then the selected mode of operation is
automatically saved.
Heating mode (Auto)
is the normal operating mode for heating the pool.
Manual mode
is for testing the pump installation on a cold or cloudy day. Once manual mode
is selected the pump will start. After manual mode time-outs, unit will return to the previous
Standby mode
of operation is for off-season maintenance or if pool heating is not required. This
is a better option than turning off the controller as it will flush treated pool water through the
solar system as well as prolong pump bearing and mechanical seal life. The pump will run for 3
minutes each day at 10am.
The factory default for SOLAR MODE is Heating MODE
Temperature Setting (Up and Down Buttons)
Adjusting the temperature limit will allow the controller to heat the pool until the temperature
limit +½°C is achieved. Heating will then remain off until the sample wait period expires, if no
sample wait period is active the heating will remain off until the pool temperature drops ½°C
below the temperature limit setting. Due to rounding the actual heat may vary by up to ±½°C.
The ability to solar heat the pool will depend on weather conditions.
The factory default for SOL. LIMIT is 30°C