3: Installation of Steering Wheel:
Locate the steering wheel & remove the nut and bolt from the
base. Connect the steering wheel wires to wires coming out of
the steering column on the vehicle. Slide the steering wheel
into the steering column and align the wheel so that the bolt
will go back through. Attach the nut and tighten.
4: Connecting/Checking Battery Lines:
Most of the time the battery will already be hooked up. The proper way to connect
battery is as follows:
Red wire to red terminal
Black wire to black terminal
5. Installation of seat, windshield, and mirrors:
Find windshield and align with the body of the vehicle. Press firmly into place. Align
back of seat with the body of vehicle by inserting rear seat hooks into the body.
Screw the seat into place with provided screws. Find appropriate rear view mirrors
(there is a left & right side) & push/lock into place.