SuperServer 2028TP-VRL Series User's Manual
vcenter: alphanumeric string for the vCenter Server hostname
passwords: clear text password containing between five and 20 characters, at least one of
which must be a special character. It cannot have any character repeated three or more
times in a row. (Please be aware that filling out a password in clear text in a configuration
file is not secure.)
logging: “LOGINSIGHT” or “SYSLOG”
timezone: “UTC” or any value in http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_
other fields: alphanumeric strings
Modification Instructions for the Sample JSON File
1. Variables in
can be replaced with custom names or IP addresses. All red fields are
2. Fields in
contain multiple options as follows:
The general formula for the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of an ESXi host is:
When using “-“ as the separator, the FQDN of an ESXi host is:
<hostname>-<iterator>.<domain> (i.e. host-01.vsphere.local)
When using “” as the separator, the FQDN of an ESXi host is:
<hostname><iterator>.<domain> (i.e. host01.vsphere.local)
ALPHA means that the first host starts with A, the second host with B, etc
NUMERIC_N means that the first host starts with “1”, the second host with “2”, etc
NUMERIC_NN means that the first host starts with “01”, the second host with “02”, etc
LOGINSIGHT means that Log Insight will be used as the log collection server. When
this option is used, "loginsightServer" and "loginsightHostname" must be filled out.
SYSLOG means that an external log collection server will be used as the log collec-
tion server. When this option is used, "syslogServerCSV” must be filled out.
Any value listed in http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones in
the TZ column is accepted as valid input.
3. Fields in
are optional. If the field is not used, it should be left unfilled with just
opening and closing quotes, i.e. “”.