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Doc. No.
Features and How to set parameters
26 May. 2015
Suntech International Ltd.
Confidential Document
9-8. Anti-Theft
Anti-theft function available at the device is used to protect the vehicle from a risk of potential thefts by utilizing
buzzer, immobilizer and alerting to the server.
In order to use the function related with the anti-theft, the following basic conditions should be satisfied:
[Basic Conditions]
IGNITION of event parameter should not be set to “0” (No Use).
2. One input should be set to
“or “
Anti-theft 2
” button type.
If one output event is set to immobilizer or buzzer, immobilizer or buzzer can be activated automatically when
emergency related with anti-theft occurs.
When the
input is set to “Anti-theft” by command, anti-theft is enabled by default at first.
Activation/deactivation state of anti-
theft can be checked by “PresetA” command.
Case of ‘Anti-Theft’
In a case that anti-theft button type is
“Anti-theft “and that the device has a buzzer, the anti-theft function can be
activated or deactivated by pressing anti-theft button for more than 10seconds.If anti-theft button is pressed for 10
seconds in activation mode of anti-theft, anti-theft gets disabled by making the buzzer beep two times.
On the other hand, if anti-theft button is pressed as being disabled, anti-theft gets enabled by making the buzzer
beep just one time.
Case of ‘Anti-Theft 2’
In case that anti-theft button is set to
“Anti-theft2”, anti-theft activation/deactivation cannot be changed by pressing
the anti-theft button. In that case, the anti-theft is always activated.