Chapter 5: User Interface
Home Screen/Pulse Settings
1. Navigation Bar: Home, Communications,
Media, Save/Load, Lock, Settings
2. Waveform display of current energy settings.
a. Voltage is displayed on the y-axis, time is
displayed on the x-axis
b. The green lines indicate the lower limit of
the comparator values.
c. The red lines indicate the upper limit of the
comparator values.
d. Waveform background color is orange
when “Weld On” button is turned on and
depressed; gray when turned off.
3. Shows Active Schedule (when enabled, also
shows comparator results from previous
4. Pulse Settings tab within Home screen
5. Total energy stored in welder
a. All or part of this energy can be divided into
Pulse 1 and Pulse 2.
b. In order for Part Check to work as intended
a Total Stored Energy must be set to a
minimum of 25WS for CD600DPA, 20WS
for CD400DPA, or 15WS for CD200DPA.
6. Amount of energy to be discharged during
Pulse 1 weld. Can be turned on or off.
7. Amount of energy to be discharged during Pulse 2 weld. Can be turned on or off.
8. Amount of time that will occur before weld process begins.
a. Only occurs for first weld. During Roll Spot, Pre-Weld delay is ignored for all subsequent welds.
9. Amount of time that will occur between pulses when both pulses are enabled.
10. Shows the charge state of the welder. Is black when welder is not ready to weld or unit is in
“Weld Off” state. Will turn green when charged and ready. Will turn red when unit is in emergency