DC3 connects to the DC battery storage terminal of the inverter. The length of
the cable is less than 10 meters. Make sure that the cable is straight and flat
during on-site installation. Do not twist the cable. Contact Sungrow if the appli-
cation area is beyond the range.
Additional Grounding Connection
Connect the additional grounding terminal to the protective grounding point be-
fore DC cable connection and communication cable connection.
5.4.1 Additional Grounding Requirements
All non-current carrying metal parts and device enclosures in the energy storage system
should be grounded, for example, brackets and converter enclosure.
The additional grounding terminal of the single converter requires near-end grounding.
When there are multiple converters, additional grounding terminals of all these conver-
ters and grounding points of the brackets should be connected together first and then to
an equipotential line, to ensure equipotential connection. Specific operation depends on
onsite conditions.
If the area of the grounding cable is greater than 16mm^2, it can be grounded at a sin-
gle point.
5.4.2 Connection Procedure
Step 1
Prepare the cable and OT/DT terminal.
User Manual