Step 29
Measure and mark the roof box header
for the eight panels as shown in Diagram
29. The center point for marking all four
headers is 25".
Pro Tip:
make any marks on the top of
the roof box header so they will not mar the
finish on the completed gazebo.
Pro Tip:
To fit the rafter notch squarely
on top of the wall assembly, the rafter may
be adjusted with up to 1/4" misalignment
between the bottom of the rafter and the
bottom of the roof box header.
Step 30
Center a
Mid Rafter [12]
on the mark
you made on the roof header box. The
bottom of the mid rafter should be flush
with the bottom of the roof header box
and the pre-cut notch should fit squarely
on the top of the wall assembly. Attach
with one 2-1/2" screw for alignment and
Attach the mid rafter to the roof header
box with two 2-1/2" screws as shown in
Diagram 30. Repeat for the remaining
three mid rafters.
Pro Tip:
Do not attach the BOTTOM
of the mid rafter to the tie plate at this
Sundance Spas Gazebos Installation Instructions WillowWood
Variance from
1 1/2" to 2" at top
of wall assembly
Diagram 29
Diagram 30