Step 18
Attach the tie plate assembly to the wall
assembly with 2-1/2" screws placed every
10 inches, as shown in Diagram 18. Make
sure you check your alignment of the Tie
Plate with the wall as you progress.
Pro Tip
Do not attach mid rafters yet.
That comes later.
Step 19
Position the
Roof Box Headers,
45 degrees [6]
90 degrees [7])
a flat surface as shown in Diagram 19.
Moon Lid cleats should be facing the
inside of the box. Attach the roof box
headers with two 2-1/2" screws at each
corner as shown.
Step 20
Square the roof box assembly by
measuring diagonally between opposite
corners as shown in Diagram 20. If the
measurements are equal, the roof box is
square. If the measurements are not
equal, re-align the roof box and measure
Sundance Spas Gazebos Installation Instructions WillowWood
Diagram 19
Moon Lid
Diagram 18
Diagram 19
Diagram 20