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MODEL # 30310684

 ITM. / ART. 1185375

The light unit does not turn on (stand alone):

• Check that switch is in On or Auto mode.
• Batteries are running out. Replace the batteries.
• The unit will not illuminate if there is sufficient ambient light.

The light unit does not turn on when linked:

• Check linking indicator light at the bottom. When it is red it is linked. To link, press the

on/off button until you see the red light.

• The unit will not illuminate if there is sufficient ambient light.
• When two units are placed too close to each other, the light of one unit may affect the

unit next to it.

• Two units may be placed too far from one another, beyond the linking distance.

Maximum distance between 2 units is 8m / 26.2 ft.

• Maximum of 10 units can be linked.

Do I need to do pairing when I purchase the kit?

• No, all units within the same package (3-pack) are already paired.

If I bought 2 kits, could I pair 4 units in one group and the other 2 units 

in another group?

• Yes, re-do pairing procedure. Finish pairing one group and then pair the second group.

Which unit is the master unit? 

• Any unit can be the master unit.  Follow the pairing procedure.
• You can pair up to 10 units, maximum 8m / 26.2ft. between units.

Is there a time limit when pairing?

• Yes, pairing needs to be done within 3 minutes.


The linking indicator light of the


mas-ter unit will turn off after 3 minutes.


After the 3 minutes, you will need to


re-start the


entire pairing procedure. 

When is it time to change the batteries or how do you know 

the batteries are running low? 

• When the batteries are running low, the unit will flash for 10 seconds when it detects

motion in low ambient light. This signals that battery replacement is needed.

When replacing the batteries do you have to re-do the pairing of that 

unit with the others?

• No
