6. Functions
SumiCloud™/ Information
6. Functions
Function Details
Preventive maintenance
-The SumiCloud™ app notifies users of the deterioration of parts such
as a cleaver.
-Displays two levels of alerts, "Caution" and "Warning".
-A list of preventive maintenance status can be viewed on
SumiCloud™ server.
Splice Data Management
- View splice data on smartphone screen
- Cloud data server available for storage of all splice data
- Splice data with GPS location
Report Builder
- Automatically creates splicing report and sends by e-mail
- Add splice location on the GPS map to the report
Help Video
- Visual tutorial for splice operation on smartphone
- Help video for related products available
Software update
- Automatic update via smartphone
- Keep splicer up to date for comfortable daily operation
Health Scan
-Health Scan is the function that performs simple inspection and
diagnosis on a fusion splicer.
-When the result is unacceptable, the SumiCloud™ app shows
troubleshooting (such as what to clean) to users.
-Displays a link to help videos for troubleshooting.
Other than the above functions, some more functions and service are available.
* For further information, refer to the operation manual of SumiCloud™.
SumiCloud™ function