Date printed: 9.2.2000
Come in! E1/1
We are happy to welcome you in the steadily growing circle of the Studer
D19 MicVALVE's users, and we felicitate you on your selection. Thanks to
Studer's experience collected during more than 40 years of business in the
professional audio products field, you may expect that the performance of
your new unit will fulfill your highest demands.
Basic Information
Together with the renaissance of natural sounds and the classical recorded
performance of real artists (as opposed to computer-gernerated sounds), us-
ers frequently quote the term “valve sound” in a meaning far beyound nos-
talgic reminiscence. Studer engineers have systematically investigated the
differences between valve and transistor amplifiers. The result of this re-
search is now part of the D19 MicVALVE, where the typical properties of
valve amplifiers are implemented in the form of adjustable parameters.
The MicVALVE is a two-channel preamplifier for microphone and line level
signals with analog and digital outputs. The main signal path is designed in
semiconductor technology and allows top quality “direct-to-digital” record-
ings. A Valve Dignifier stage equipped with 2 × ECC 81 valves per channel
can be switched into the signal path, providing a number of front panel con-
trols for individual valve sound treatment. Each input has a switchable ana-
log insert and an analog output. Both channels are then combined to an
AES/EBU digital output. The built-in 20 bit A/D converter technology rep-
resents today's state of the art. Thanks to the modular concept the A/D con-
verter can easily be upgraded as technology advances. A TDIF or an optical
ADAT interface can be installed as an option.
Even in connection with recording media having only the reduced 16 bit
resolution, the Studer MicVALVE leads to improved results thanks to DSP
dithering and noise shaping technology which is used instead of simple trun-