Loose boilers are allowed to be transported only in horizontal position. During good
weather seasons the boilers can be transported by open transport, otherwise the products
need to be covered. When transporting in vertical position additional safety measures have
to be taken in account to prevent turning or scratching. The boilers are allowed to be
stored in dry areas, which do not contain chemically active substance vapor.
Boiler must be installed in premises that meet the governmental requirements. Boiler
installation area has to be at least 215 cm high and must have concrete flooring (at least in
the place where boiler is installed). The room must be isolated from heated living rooms
and have a vertical ventilation channel and a window or an opening in outer wall, so that
air from the outside could easily get into boiler or ventilation channel.
The flue must be clean. It must not have openings into hollow layers or nearby
enclosures. The flue has to be inspected to make sure that it has no openings on the
outside, which would allow parasitic air inside, which would cool the flue and reduce its
traction. All cracks, openings and boiler connection point to the chimney flue must be
sealed. In the case of inner openings of flue to the layers or to nearby shafts which cannot
be sealed, oval or cylindrical liner of stainless steel will have to be used (Rectangular liners
are not as reliable because openings caused by temperature changes appear at the
Boiler is placed directly on concrete floor. When carrying the boiler, some parts may
experience deformation, therefore after installing the boiler in the flue and closing all the
doors, check if
top valve’s uniformly fits with air intake surface and if the door is tight
enough by using candle flame or matches.
Boiler must be placed on non-flammable surface. Boiler metal connection near the
chimney must be made out of metal that is no thinner than 1,5 mm and covered with heat
insulation. Condition of flue must be checked once a month (by visually inspecting it with a
mirror through the cleaning opening), it must be cleaned if need be, because accumulated
resins and soot can catch fire in flue, releasing sparks, causing fire hazard, overheating
and damaging the liner. When using branded flues (made of stainless steel and ceramic)
user instructions must be understood well and requirements met, especially for periodic
maintenance. After cleaning the flue, horizontal flue pipe, which is between boiler and flue,
must be cleaned as well.
Diameter of flue opening can be 10 percent smaller as shown in main technical
specifications, but not larger. The boiler needs a separate flue - no other device can be
connected to it. Flue pipe from boiler to the flue must be horizontal, not longer than 1,5 m
and not shorter than 0,20 m, it must be well sealed at connection areas and covered with
heat insulation. Flue pipe and flue must be cleaned periodically.