get hotter, cylinder becomes longer and lowers the valve. When indications of thermometer
becomes stable under 80 °C, slightly open the valve by using
temperature adjustment bolt (2) if temperature is higher than 80 °C
slightly close it till temperature falls under 80 °C. Later, if the
temperature is too low, turn the adjustment bolt so that valve would
be lifted, if temperature is too high, turn the bolt to opposite direction
closing the valve. Also adjust the marking ring, so that you would
know the position of valve (Fig.15 C), for example: it is advisable to
close the valve when removing ash. We want to remind you that
boiler operation temperature must be 70
– 90 °C.
Manufacturer has the right to complement the boiler with
thermostatic draught regulator (Fig. 16).
a) If after ignition, boiler works correctly, but later its power and draft decreases it means that flue
is not sealed properly: check if door for flue cleaning is closed or if there are other openings,
eliminate them.
b) If after ignition of fuel you hear rhythmic noise and occasionally see smoke coming out it
means that flue draft is to strong
– boiler is unable to attain its power and works very
inefficient-ly: in this case you need to let in some air into flue through special opening on
horizontal con-nection. Metal band flue ring must be pushed till the pulsation of boiler
disappears (see Fig. 10).
If fuel is burning well, but temperature increases very slowly and there is
condensation leaking out of flue it means that the flow of heated water going through
boiler is excessive: Set circulation pump to the bottom position and reduce the flow
with help of boilers balance tap or reduce the flows in heating elements till there will
be no more condensation leaks and thermo-meter will show 70
– 80 °C.
When using firewood, you must remove the ashes every month. When using peat and
coal, ash must be removed each time before firing. Naturally some resin accumulates
insides the boiler, amount of resin increases when flue draft is incorrect; when air gets in
through bottom or through bottom ash removal doors (11) (Fig. 1); when at the time of
burning, fuel is added constantly and air distributor is lifted; when heated water flow is too
If draft decreases, openings between air heating chamber (4) (Fig. 1) and inner boiler walls
need to be inspected and cleaned. They can be cleaned with a flexible brush through inner
smoke opening
(Fig. 1) above fuel loading doors (8) (Fig. 1). It is most convenient to
clean through the smoke outlet (5) (Fig. 1) (after dismantling the connection with flue), or
through special opening in the connection itself.
Boiler will not become clogged up if
heating system is correctly installed, flue is well preserved and used according to
Air distributor (9) (Fig. 1) can scoop some ash when it is lowered, so its openings
sometimes need to be checked and cleaned.
Lifting cord mechanism (12) (Fig. 1),
must be oiled so that it wouldn’t wear out and
Figure 16