“U’’ boiler has a switch valve (6) (Fig. 1), which, when burning coal must be
raised on the support (Fig. 14), when burning firewood
– lowered. Firewood boiler and “BIO’’
does not come with such a valve (4) (Fig. 1). When loading fuel, it is mandatory to lift the air
distributor (9) (Fig. 1). To do this you must take the ring at the end of the cord, (12) (Fig. 1),
which is hanging above the fuel loading doors, pull it down and hang it on the hook (13)
(Fig. 1). Stack the firewood horizontally, with longer pieces in the middle and shorter ones
on the sides. Do not let vertical pieces get in the middle. It is advisable to fill up remaining
openings with sawdust or smaller wood residues.
Fire grate (19) (Fig. 1) must be used when loading coal, briquettes, pellets. It is opened by lifting
up the switch valve, for coal and peat (6) (Fig. 1). Formed ash and resin has to be cleaned before loading.
Use pieces of coal, if larger than half a litre
– chop the pieces. Do not mix any other fuel when using
coal, only add about 2 kg of
dry, shredded, small piece
firewood. The boiler works at
– 70% lower mode, thus use
fine coal during warmer days.
When loading peat, use mostly
large briquettes till the load is
almost full, only adding some
fine pieces of peat at the end.
After loading firewood, pellets
and sawdust briquettes
immediately ignite
– so that the
load of fuel would not be ignited
by leftover ember.
Before igniting the boiler carefully read the instruction of traction regulator (see section 7.3).
Ignite the very top of the load, closing the door partially (8) (Fig. 1), leaving a 2-5 cm
gap. Close the door (8) (Fig. 1) when fuel begins to burn and unhook the ring with lifting cord
(12) (Fig. 1), from the hook (13) (Fig. 1). Flammable liquid designed for igniting fireplaces
can be used for igniting the fuel, but do not use it when boiler is already burning. In no
circumstances should the air travel through the lower ash cleaning doors (11) (Fig. 1).
When boiler is burning, a window or special opening in an outer wall of boiler room must
be present so that the boiler can pull air from the outside.
It is not allowed to keep adding fuel when burning coal. When using firewood, pieces
can be added to boiler together with larger wood residues at the time of burning: before
doing that, you must first lift the air distributor (9) (Fig. 1) open the doors (8) (Fig. 1). When
boiler is running, it is dangerous to instantly open the door widely (8) (Fig. 1) - fire can burn
your face. So, at first, open the fuel loading doors, leaving a 2-3 cm gap, without looking
and keeping distance (8) (Fig. 1) and after 20-30 seconds open the doors completely (8)
(Fig. 1) and load firewood, but not more than two layers (20-30 cm), close the doors (8)
(Fig. 1) and lower the air distributor (9) (Fig. 1).
After adding fuel, quality of burn and efficiency will decrease for short time, so such
addition is recommended only to extend the time of fuel burn till the next ignition.
Figure 14