DT3 CleanStation
DOC-01121 Rev. A
7 Troubleshooting
7.1 The Control Panel is Blank or the Cleaning Station Does
Not Run
• Check that the water level in the tank is not below approximately 2.54 cm
(1 inch) from the top of the tank.
• Check that the cleaning station is plugged in to a wall socket and that the
socket is live.
• Check that the cleaning station is turned on.
• Check for a blown fuse.
When replacing fuses, always disconnect the DT3 CleanStation from the
wall socket and keep the power cable in view, so that it is not accidentally
plugged back in.
To check and replace the fuse:
1. Disconnect the unit from the wall socket.
2. Locate the fuses behind the tank.
3. Unscrew the fuse covers.
Figure 7 Fuses
4. Check the fuses with an ohm meter.
A blown fuse usually indicates that there is an electrical fault.
To check the condition of the wiring:
1. Drain the DT3 CleanStation and tip it so that it is resting on its left side (when
viewed from the front panel).
2. Inspect the wires under the clean station and check that they are undamaged.