Cap Ring
Cap Housing
Cap Cylinder
Upper Screen
Stretch Valve
Balloon tight
Filling Chamber with Filling Cham-
ber Cap
Please allow the Filling Chamber and
the Cap to cool down before disas-
sembling them. The component parts
of the Filling Chamber must be thor-
oughly cleaned on a regular basis to
guarantee proper operation and pure
flavor. For hygienic reasons, it is also
necessary to clean the Filling Cham-
ber with Cap for hygienic reasons
when the device is to be used by a dif-
ferent person. If a new Valve Balloon
and Mouthpiece are used, the Filling
Chamber should also be cleaned be-
forehand. For manual cleaning, use
rubbing alcohol and paper or cotton
towels or warm water with wash-
up liquid. Filling Chamber and Cap
may be easily disassemblend and
reassembled for cleaning in a few
seconds. Filling Chamber and Cap
Components may also be cleaned in
a dishwasher. However, the Screens,
Cap Ring and Filling Chamber Clips
are very small, and may be lost if
placed in a dishwasher. Before as-
sembling allow all component parts to
dry properly.
As the content of the Valve
Balloon deflates, it may be
completely emptied by
stretching the Balloon taut and subse-
quently inhaling the content.
9.2. Cleaning and Maintenance
Balloon with Mouth-
Balloon and its
Mouthpiece require no maintenance.
For hygienic reasons, they should be
replaced with a new Valve Balloon
and Mouthpiece every two weeks.
To prevent any transfer of infectious
germs, the Valve Balloon and Mouth-
piece should be used only by one
person, and never shared by multiple
Manual cleaning with alcohol (min. 90%)
Do not immerse any plastic
components in ethanol or al-
cohol for longer than an hour.
Extended contact with ethanol or al-
cohol may lead to discoloration or em-
brittlement of plastic parts.
After cleaning, check all component
parts for surface damage, tears, soft-
ening or hardening, impurities, distor-
tion and discoloration and set dam-
aged component parts aside.
Disassembling the Filling
Chamber Cap
Push the upper Screen downwards,
by using (for example) the handle of
the Cleaning Brush supplied.
Push the Cap Cylinder out of the Cap
Push out the upper Screen with help of the
Cleaning Brush
Push the Cap Cylinder downwards
out of the Cap Housing. At the same
time the Cap Ring will be stripped off.
Reassemble in reverse order.
The upper Screen has to be
placed carefully into the in-
tended notch. Non-obser-
vance may result in plant particles in
the Valve Balloon that might be in-
haled subsequently.