Stonex S990A GNSS Receiver – User Manual v1.0
New IMU Technology
The New S990A series receivers are equipped with the new IMU
System that
allows tilted measurement (TILT).
It has the following advantages:
The initialization process is much simpler.
You can use
Stonex Cube-a
field software to calibrate the sensor; Cube-
a will ask to initialize the IMU when needed and it will show how to do
it. The process is very fast, usually a few seconds for IMU initialization.
The receiver with integrated inertial navigation module ensures the real-
time interference-free tilt compensation.
It is not affected by any geomagnetic and external metal structures and
other environmental influences. It adopts "satellite and inertial
navigation" dual inspection.
Fast and precise survey.
It is possible survey and store points with just one measure with slant
pole up to 60° (2 cm accuracy up to 30°, 5 cm accuracy up to 60°).
1.Optional activation