P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 starter pack overview
starter pack, which includes a LoRaWAN
device and gateway as well as the antennas.
Instructions at the back of the insert card guide the users on how to power up and configure the sensor device
and gateway and setup the network.
The starter pack is configured to use the CN470Prequel frequency band with the sensor device in OTAA mode
and the gateway forwarding the packets to Loriot CN1 server. The pack is user configurable by firmware and by
AT commands.
Figure 8.
STM32 Nucleo LoRaWAN
development kit (P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 starter pack)
P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 starter pack known limitation
The serial number of the
MB1136 reference board is indicated on a sticker under the MB1136.
If the number is within the range from A191400001 to A191402004, the board must be updated with a new
firmware before use. Download the last firmware version available at
P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3 starter pack overview
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