Before the peghead overlay can be added, the space be-
tween the truss rod and the peghead face needs to be filled
with the included channel filler plug .
Fill the channel
Trim flush to peghead face
Align adjusting nut to the
end of the neck joint tenon
Fit and fill the truss rod channel
Fitting the truss rod
The neck block has been drilled to allow access to the truss
rod’s adjusting nut, but the rod is not designed to extend
beyond the neck (pictured) . This allows for neck removal,
should it ever become necessary (this is normal on a dovetail
neck reset) .
The neck channel at the heel needs to be enlarged to accept
the truss rod's adjustment nut . Mark the position of the ad-
justment nut on the face of the tenon, nut side down . Mark
the length of the adjustment nut on a 17/64" drill bit with
masking tape to act as a depth stop . Run the bit in reverse
to start the hole, and then drill open the truss rod channel
to accept the nut .
Now slide the Hot Rod Truss Rod into the neck channel from
the heel end, with the adjustment nut down . Set the neck
into the neck block . Using a 4mm Allen wrench, check for
sufficient access to the adjusting nut . Adjust the hole size
if required .
Dry-fit the plug, abutting the end of the truss rod . The truss
rod adjustment nut should be flush with the end of the neck
joint tenon (illustrated) . Glue only the filler plug into the
channel . Once the glue dries, trim off the excess so the filler
plug is flush with the peghead .