Prepare a “sanding board” from a straight flat piece of wood
about 3-4" wide, at least 1" thick, and 24" long (illustrated) .
Add a 5° wedge on one end of the sanding board . This wedge
will tip the sanding board to match the angle of the back as
you sand the kerfed linings, neck and tailblock . The wedge
should be approximately 8" long, and as wide as the sand-
ing board . At the opposite end, stick 80-grit sandpaper to
both sides of the board using adhesive backed sandpaper
or double-stick tape .
Rest the side assembly, with the straight top edge down,
on the flat surface of your workbench . The front shoulders
should overhang the bench, so that the waist clamp can be
fastened to the edge of the benchtop with two wood screws .
If you’re unable to screw the waist clamp to the bench, clamp
a board flush to the bottom edge of your bench, and clamp
or screw the waist clamp to the board .
Draw a white pencil line on the edge of the guitar sides to
serve as an indicator of your sanding progress . Stop sand-
ing when the line is gone and you begin to graze the sides .
Hold the wedged end of the board against the tailblock as a
pivot point, and begin sanding the neck block and the front
shoulder area first . Work around the sides to the tailblock,
moving the pivot point frequently, until the sandpaper
begins grazing the white pencil marks on the top edge of the
sides . It’s easy to oversand the sides and the kerfed linings,
leaving the neck block or tailblock higher than the sides,
and causing a “hump” in that area later . Keep this in mind,
and give the blocks a little extra sanding . White pencil them
several times and use a straightedge to be sure they are flat .
Move the waist clamp to the back side of the rim assembly,
and refasten the clamp to the bench with the top kerfed
linings facing up . Repeat the sanding process, but this time
using the flat side of the sanding board . The top kerfed lin-
ings are easier to sand than those on the back of the rim .
When your sanding reaches the white pencil line, the linings
are ready for the guitar top to be fitted .
KIT TIP: Back kerfed lining
The back kerfed linings can be level-sanded AFTER
the top is glued to the sides . The rigidity added by
the glued top makes the sanding easier and more
accurate . If you choose this option, level the top ker-
fed linings first (pictured), and sand the back linings
just before removing the cardboard inner mold .
5° wedge for
sanding back edge
on both sides
Sands the kerfing
at the angle
of the tapered
Leveling the kerfed linings