Fuselage Continued
Key completed fuselage sides to completed
center crutch assembly. Tack glue sides at
tab and notch locations to retain parts.
Using thick CA glue, install the cross-grain
doubler F10a forward of former F2. (F10a fits
flush against F2 and F0 center crutch)
Assemble the top (F7) and bottom (F8)
fuselage formers from sub-assemblies F7a/
F7b and F8a/F8b respectively.
Fillet interior joints along fuselage sides and
former F1/F0 with medium CA glue then
install/glue top former F7 to assembly.
Again, fillet interior joints along fuselage sides
and former F1/F0 medium CA glue then
install/glue bottom former F8 to assembly.
Glue G2 into position spanning fuselage sides
as indicated below.
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