Wing Construction Continued
Use plan sheet as a guide to locate and
install X rib trussing in leading edge of wing.
Trussing fits between top and bottom spar,
against spar web, and centered with leading
edge notch in rib/sub-rib. Tack glue to retain.
Cut 1/4 in. square stock to fit leading edge
and bond to wing using medium CA glue.
Dry fit 1/8 in. x 3/16 in. x 24 in. turbulator
stock staggered at wing center as illustrated.
Fit remainder of turbulator stock for both top
and bottom of wing. Remember turbulators
sit 3/32 in proud of interior ribs and flush with
ribs R1 and R5. Flatten wing against your
building surface then glue turbulator stock at
each contact point with ribs.
With wing held flat against your work surface
proceed to thoroughly glue all mating
surfaces paying particular attention to spar,
webbing, and rib intersections.
Use thick CA glue to fillet each X rib trussing
at spar and leading edge joints.
With wing assembly complete use a sharp
razor blade to remove the riser tabs from the
underside of each rib.
Framing is now complete relax with a good
cup of coffee and rub the dog’s ears.
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