HLG01 Page
© 2007 Stevens AeroModel. All Rights Reserved.
Shaping the Wing
Remove the entire wing core from the 3/16”
balsa sheet. The wing features an etched
“high point” sanding guide on the top surface
and pre cut dihedral breaks. The dihedral
breaks are partially cut through and retained
with thick skip lines that run across the grain
Begin by shaping the wing as one unit using a
sanding block and / or a razor plane to
produce a flat taper from the etched “high
point” aft to the trailing edge. Next round the
wing from the high point forward to the leading
edge. Use the sanding guide below as a
reference. We suggest leaving the trailing
edge 1/32” thick for maximum durability.
Round from high point forward
Flat from high point aft
High Point
Balance Point
(~ 1-3/4 in. from leading edge at root)
1/32 in.
1/32 in.
Airfoil Sanding Guide
Wing Assembly
1. Using a sharp blade separate the wing core into six total segments (three per side) by
cutting skip lines that retain the sections.