HLG01 Page
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9. Temporarily tape the Pop-Up boom within the fuselage as illustrated. Place a pin in the
top of the wing at the marked “high point” and place the looped end of the DT string over
the pin as illustrated.
Lefties! The following steps refer to building a right-handed glider reverse the sides
described in the instructions to complete your glider. Remember, the DT line will always
tie off on the opposite side of the timer.
Wrap the string over the carbon reinforced trailing edge of wing, underneath, and forward
to pass through the eye of the Left side DT string guide (first photo). Next, wrap the
string over the forward portion of the Pop-Up boom and up the opposite fuselage to pass
through the Right side DT string guide (second and third photo). With the DT string still
looped around the pin at top of wing remove any slack in the string and loop multiple
times through eye of Right side DT string guide (fourth photo).