HLG01 Page
© 2007 Stevens AeroModel. All Rights Reserved.
Instructions for Assembly:
General Instruction
What follows is a brief overview of the steps taken to complete this model. Begin by shaping the
wing and dihedral breaks. Assemble the wing using the jig based construction then set aside
while the fuselage is constructed. With the fuselage complete you will assemble the stabilizer
components. With the major components built you will wrap the project up by joining the wing
and stabilizer to the fuselage add your finger rest and washout wedge then rig the DT line.
Tips for Success:
read these instructions prior to commencing work on the model.
To avoid loosing parts only remove a part from the laser cut sheet or parts bag when
instructed to use it in assembly.
The model is bonded almost entirely from thin CA glue we highly recommend using an
extra fine glue tip to apply glue in a metered and precise fashion.
Only commit a part with glue when you are absolutely satisfied that it has been installed
properly and you have been instructed to.
Protect your building surface by using the bag this product came in as a non-stick barrier
for glue application.
We continually make refinements to our product and our instructions. Visit
and download the latest instruction manual for this product.
Parts Orientation:
When an instruction details a “right” or “left” side of the model this is always referenced from the
perspective of standing behind the aircraft looking at the top of the model with the models nose
pointing away from you.
Key terms:
- at, close to, or toward the stern or tail
- center of gravity, the balance point of the model.
- is the upward angle from horizontal in a fixed-wing aircraft or bird wing from root to tip,
as viewed from directly in front or behind the aircraft.
- dethermalizer
- situated at or toward the front, as compared with something else.
- to construct from layers of material bonded together.
Leading Edge
- the edge of an airfoil or propeller blade facing the direction of motion.
- Wings with local dihedral angles that change along the span.
Trailing Edge
- the rear edge of a propeller blade or airfoil.
Tack Glue
- to temporarily bond together using the minimum amount of glue to retain the part.
- a warp in an airfoil that gives an increase in the angle of attack toward the tip.
- a warp in an airfoil that gives a decrease in the angle of attack toward the tip.
Special advice for Left-handed throwers:
The assembly instructions that follow illustrate building a glider for right-handed throwers. If you
are left-handed, or desire to throw left-handed, there will be certain steps where a component
should be assembled in reverse order. Please read the instructions carefully and take note
where we offer building advice for “