HLG01 Page
© 2007 Stevens AeroModel. All Rights Reserved.
only fly without your Dethermalizer armed when there is absolutely no thermal activity at your field
or you are making initial incidence adjustments as described in the “Establish Tail Incidence”
The simplest method to disable the dethermalizer is to loop your DT string up and over the top of
the wing from the trailing edge and hook the elastic band around the flange of the rubber bushing
on the timer. The DT string must capture the leading edge of the pop-up fuselage boom to
prevent it from rotating to the vertical position.
Balance Model
Two tiny laser cut holes have been cut central to wing panel 1 approximately 1-3/4” aft of wing
leading edge at root. These holes mark your CG location. Disable the dethermalizer then
balance the model, so that the fuselage hangs level with the horizon when suspended from this
point. Balance is easily achieved by filling ballast pocket at nose of glider with clay ballast.
Alternatively, lead shot may be mixed with clay to reduce the bulk of ballast used. Optional, cover
the ballast pocket with 1/32” plywood plug to for a more streamlined fuselage.
Establish Tail Incidence (decalage)
With the model balanced as above you’ll need to establish your starting tail boom incidence.
Release the DT string to allow access to the tail boom incidence adjustment screw. Invert the
model and gently screw the incidence adjustment screw in until fully seated. Now back the screw
out one full turn, this is your starting incidence.
Pick a calm time of the day with no thermal activity for your first trim flight. Mornings and
evenings are typically the best time for trimming out your HLG. Follow the steps to disable your
dethermalizer. Pick a point on the horizon and give a firm over-hand toss releasing the glider
aimed at your distant point on the horizon with wings level to horizon. Observe the models