Kit Contents
Rolled Computer Drawn Plan Sheets
Illustrated Instruction Manual
Laser Cut Balsa and Hardwood Parts Sheets (See Parts Inventory Sheet)
1 - Clear Canopy
1 - Cowl Assembly
4 - 1/8” x1/4” x 26” Balsa Stick (Turbulator Stock)
Large Materials Bag
2 - 3/16” x 2” hardwood dowel.
1 - 3/16” x 3” hardwood dowel.
1 - .045” x 11.5” Music Wire.
2 - .062” x 11.5” Music Wire.
2 - Pre-Bent landing gear struts.
1 - 3/16” x 6” aluminum tube.
1 - 3/32” x 6” aluminum tube.
12 - #2x1/4” Screws (Wheel Pant Hardware).
2 - 1/8” Star Washers (retains wheels when not using pants)
2 - 8-32 Blind Nut
2 - 8-32 x 1” Nylon Wing Bolt
2 - #8 Nylon Washer
1 - 12” Length of Kevlar Thread.
10 - CA Hinge Material.
Recommended Finishing Items (Available from your Local Hobby Shop or StevensAero.Com
1 - Pair 2-7/8” LYT Wheels.
1 - ½” Tail Wheel Sullivan.
2 - Pair Dubro EZ Connectors #121
1 - 2” Dubro Spinner (White) #272
2-3 Roll(s) of AeroLITE (Solite) or AeroFILM (Solarfilm) – Iron on Film Covering. ULTRACOTE or similar heavy
gauge coverings are NOT recommended.
1/8” Canopy Trim Tape.
Basic modeling tools and glue – a palm sander will come in handy as well as a small vise.
Suggested Radio Gear:
4-6 Channel Transmitter (4 Ch. using “Y” harness for ailerons)
4 - Micro Servos (Hitec HS-81)
1 - 12” Y-Servo Extension (Req. for 4 Ch. Radio.)
4 - 12” Servo Extension
1 –Micro Receiver
1 - 40A ESC
Supported Power Systems:
Lets not confuse the issue here – if you are new to e-flight and fresh from the world of glow models the recommended
Hacker/LiPoly combo
exceed your expectations of flight performance – don’t deviate from this simple successful
formula; go fly and enjoy your e-flight experience.
Hacker A30-10XL / Phoenix 45 ESC / 12x6 APC Thin Electric / 9-10 Cell Nicad/Nimh or 11.1v LiPoly capable of
40A Continuous 45A burst.
Thunderpower 2100 3S2P 11.1v / (4200mAh).
Our test model came out @52oz using the Hacker A30-10XL / and 10 RC2400 NICAD cells and had just over 1:1
thrust to weight. Using LiPoly our test model came out at 43-45oz and had a thrust to weight ratio of 1.3:1
If you are an e-flight propeller head and you just can’t help yourself but to mix and match ratios / motors / props you’ll find
the stock motor mount supports a variety of motor/gearbox combos from mainstream manufactures like Aveox / HiMax /
Hacker / and Mega Motors… probably not enough to completely satisfy your craving to tinker but enough to get you going.
The Hacker A30-10XL is our choice motor - visit
for information regarding alternate supported
© 2004 Stevens AeroModel.