10. Dry assemble T1 trailing edge jig to wing assembly. Invert wing on flat surface and tack glue each tab/notch
joint between T1 and the wing assembly. Do not soak with CA glue – rather just wick enough in to hold things
in-place through the remainder of the assembly.
11. Use a 3/16” drill bit to key/align parts T3A (1/8” Balsa) and T3B (1/32” Ply) – Tack into position, remove the drill
bit guide, then proceed to laminate parts together by wicking thin CA glue between surfaces. With the wing
right-side-up (jig risers up) dry assemble the completed wing trailing edge T3 to the center section ribs R1 and
R2. Tack glue the center trailing edge component to R1 and R2 where these parts intersect.
Dry assemble L2 leading edge cap strip.
Tip! prior to fitting of spar caps sand a bit of a chamfer along the spar
tabs – this eliminates the harsh edge and aids in fitting. Slowly work parts into position – forcing the fit will only
crush the tabs.
© 2004 Stevens AeroModel.