Next dry assemble ribs R1-R6 into main spar relying upon friction to hold the parts through the assembly
process and do not glue until instructed. Go easy and do not force the fit – the fit should be snug but due to
wood variances it may be too tight – if this is the case carefully remove the rib and lightly sand the intersecting
surfaces – avoid forcing the fit as it tends to distort the shape of the wing.
Dry assemble a right and left servo tray from the following parts: W3 (1/8” Balsa), W4 (1/8” Balsa), W5 (1/16”
Ply). Carefully observe keying if something doesn’t seem to fit properly check your assembly. Dry assemble
the left and right servo pockets to the main spar S1 and rib R3. The entire assembly is fairly flexible and fragile
so gently work the parts into position.
Dry assemble sub-ribs R1a-R5a.
© 2004 Stevens AeroModel.