Final Assembly
Control Linkage Cont.
Install Du-Bro 1/2A control horn [DUB107] to
left side of Rudder and make pushrod
connection, to third hole from inside of horn,
using Micro2 E/Z link provided with pushrod
kit [DUB922] to secure. Again, install 1/8 in.
length of fuel tubing over Micro2 E/Z link to
prevent failure of this part.
Note: If holes in
control horn do not match those laser drilled
to rudder then try the other horn.
Install Du-Bro 1/2A control horn [DUB107] to
right side of Elevator and make pushrod
connection, to third hole from inside of horn,
using Micro2 E/Z link provided with pushrod
kit [DUB922] to secure. Finally, install 1/8 in.
length of fuel tubing over Micro2 E/Z link to
prevent failure of this part.
Center both Rudder and Elevator to align with
centerline of Vertical and Horizontal Fin.
With surfaces centered, tighten set screws in
Micro E/Z connectors at Rudder and Elevator
servos. Trim excess push rod wire 1/2 in.
forward of servos.
Final Assembly Concluded
Congratulations, this concludes the final
assembly of your StevensAero Daddy-O 525!
We hope you have enjoyed the build just as
much as we’ve enjoyed designing it for you.
To ready your Daddy-O 525 for flight:
Refer to the instructions provided by the
manufacture of your transmitter and receiver
for programing and to make final electrical
connections between servos, esc, and
receiver. Mount receiver in position that
gives best signal reception within body of
model. We typically mount receiver just
forward of the Rudder and Elevator servos
using self adhesive hook and loop material.
Build Instructions
Daddy-O 525
- Build Instructions © 2010 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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Fuel Tubing
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Fuel Tubing
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