Sterling Elite
5.21 WAlKer - rollAtor MoUNt
This rear mounted frame allows the carriage of Sunrise
Medical walkers and rollators on board the scooter,
Be aware that attached accessories increase the
effective footprint of the scooter.
Take extra care when manoeuvring if you have a
rollator or walker on board.
Ensure that the load is secured properly before
moving off.
Be aware that the load you are carrying may obscure
the rear lights on the scooter. If this is the case,
please use the foot path whilst carrying the load,
particularly at night.
5.22 oXyGeN bottle HolDer
There are two diameters, 100 and 120mm.
Both fit to the seat via the arm rest bracket bolts.
Both can be positioned on the left or right hand side of
the seat. The holder is designed to accept a 3.9 kg bottle,
While you are taking Oxygen, observe all safety
regulations pertaining to the use of Oxygen.
Do not enter an area where naked flames may be
Do not smoke.
Do not use transmitting devises such as mobile
phones etc.
5.23 FUll FroNt bUMPer
This fully enclosed front bumper is available as an option,
5.24 FroNt corNer bUMPerS
The corner bumpers are fitted as standard, (Fig.5.37).
5.25 SoliD tyreS
Solid tyres are available as an option.
The solid tyres offer greater security for the user because
they cannot be punctured.
Solid tyres have the effect of producing a firmer
ride, (Fig.5.38).