Repeat Mode
Use to repeat a song (Single), to repeat them randomly, repeat all songs
or return to Normal playback.
Sound effect
Use it to select one of the predetermined equalizer mode: Normal,
Classic, Rock, Pop, Jazz
Select this option to listen fi rst seconds of the songs, you can choose
from: 5, 10, 15, or 20 seconds or select Off.
Set play speed
Use it to increase or decrease the playback speed. When you choose
one of the options, the volume level will decrease a little bit, if you
select Normal mode (1.0) the sound will return to normal.
Save to Power On Music
Selecting this option, you will set a song to playback at the time you
power on the player.
Use it to delete the current song from the playback list. The fi le won’t be
deleted from the player.
Delete all
This option will delete whole songs in the playback list. Files won’t be
deleted from the player.