Comfort Plus
The Steffes Power Line Carrier (PLC) control system has the ability to communicate with the system through the
existing electrical circuits in the structure. With the power line carrier option, direct wired low voltage connections
from the power company's peak signaling switch connect directly to the transmitting device. The switch signals
peak control times to the transmitter, the transmitter sends the signals to the Comfort Plus system, which receives
this information and responds accordingly.
In addition to providing peak control signals, the transmitter also provides outdoor temperature information for
automatic charge control, room temperature set back, and anticipated peak utility control signals (if applicable).
The PLC system is optional and must be ordered separately. If utilizing a PLC system, an Owner's and Installer's
manual will accompany the transmitting device. Refer to this manual for information on the installation and
operation of the power line carrier control system.
The Steffes Time Clock Module is another option for providing a peak control signal to the Comfort Plus. The
optional time clock module mounts inside the line voltage electrical compartment and interfaces with the relay
board via an interface cable. Peak control times MUST be programmed into the system once the module is
installed to enable the time clock feature. Refer to the instructions provided with the time clock module for more
information on the installation and operation of this device.
Line voltage control is also an option, but is not the preferred method of control as it is usually more complex and
expensive. If line voltage control is utilized, the controls circuit must be powered with an uninterrupted circuit. An
external switching device, such as a relay panel, is necessary to directly control the heating element charging
circuits. If relying on this method of control, the display on the system must continuously display a brick core
operating mode of C (charge) regardless of whether it is an off-peak or on-peak period.
Installation Methods: A)
Hard wired to system to the two "outdoor"
terminals (default)
Connected to Power Line Carrier (PLC)
Theory of Operation:
The outdoor sensor monitors outdoor temperature
and provides this information to the system. The
system responds by automatically storing heat in
its brick core according to outdoor temperature
and the heating requirements.
Location of:
The outdoor sensor must be placed in a location where it can accurately sense outdoor tempera-
ture and is not affected by direct sunlight or other sources of heat or cool.
Route low voltage wire from the outdoor sensor to the electrical compartment through one of the low
voltage wire knockouts.
Connect to the two terminals labeled "outdoor".
If the sensor wiring is routed through an external wall, the opening through which the wire is routed
MUST be sealed. Failure to do so may affect the accuracy of the outdoor temperature sensor.
The outdoor sensor is supplied with a lead length of 40 ft. If a greater wire length is needed, it can be
extended to a total of 250 ft.
No other loads can be controlled or supplied through this cable. It is for connection of the outdoor
sensor ONLY.
This low voltage cable MUST not enter any line voltage enclosure.
Unshielded Class II (thermostat) wire can be used as extension wire provided it is segregated from
any line voltage cabling.
If connecting to the Steffes
power line carrier (PLC)
system, follow the installa-
tion instructions in the PLC
system's Owner's and
Installer's Guide.