User Manual
SeaStar Graphic Supporting Software
©2014 Star-Oddi. All Rights Reserved
Page 77
Insert New Calibration Constants
Choose the Wizards menu and the Insert New Calibration Constants command to
enter the wizard (see figure 12.10).
Figure 12.10 Insert New Calibration Constants
The wizard is a five step operation:
1) Select Starmon mini as recorder type
2) Connect the cable to the Starmon mini recorder
3) Connect to the recorder and retrieve the RID file.
4) Having connected to a Starmon mini (like T6405) the wizard will look for a NCT file
with the same name, like T6406.NCT, in the SeaStar\RBD\ folder. Having found the
matching NCT file, the wizard will read the NCT file and merge it with the existing RID
and save as a new RBN file in the SeaStar\RBD\ folder. The RBN can be used later
as a backup file.
If this merger goes well the wizard shows the following message:
Figure 12.11
5) Finally the wizard transfers the RBN, with the new calibration data, to the Starmon
mini recorder. The wizard uses the Backup function in SeaStar and the user is
therefore prompted for a new sequence number and battery life value(%).
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