IFBD-HW03/04 Product Specifications Rev. 0.00
1. Read
This product is a printer server (I/F card) dedicated to STAR POS printers that conform to wireless
LAN IEEE802.11b. At the time that this specifications manual was created, the following STAR POS
printer was targeted.
TSP743 F/W V6.0 or later
TSP743 will not support this printer driver simply by updating the F/W. Only printers whose
F/W at the time of default shipment is V6.0 or later can be used.
Main Settings at Product Shipment
The wireless LAN unit and TCP/IP settings which are necessary to use this product are outlined
below. Refer to section “3.6 Setting Display Items” below for details on settings that are not listed
Wireless LAN Unit Default Settings
Wireless Mode AdHoc (Communication not using an access point)
Channel 11
Web Encryption Disabled
No setting
Set the PC to the above settings when using this product. Once the PC and product are
connected, it is possible to change the settings of this product to those that support the
environment of use, by using a Web browser.
TCP/IP Default Settings
RARP client
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway “”
DNS Primary Server
DNS Secondary Server “”
Operator Permission Log-in Password Default Settings
To change settings on this product, use WEB, TELNET and FTP protocols. However, when doing so,
it is necessary to log-in to this product with an account having operator permission.
Account information is shown below.
Operator account name:
“” Nothing needs to be input.
It is possible to change the password after logging in.
Setting the IP Addresses
It is possible to set the IP address for this product using one of four types of methods. They are
RARP, DHCP, ARP or fixed flash memory. When a procedure for setting a multiple of IP address
according to the network environment is effective, the methods above are arranged in order of priority.
For that reason, when using with a fixed IP address written to the flash memory, it is recommended
that it be used after disabling the product’s RARP, and DHCP/BOOTP settings.