The main window opens and after a short
time a list with the connected units appears
fig. 10).
The unit now displays:
PC Connection
System Lock
or for control via Ethernet e. g.:
PC Connection
IP Addr []
and cannot be operated directly as long as
the connection exists (to disconnect the con-
chapter 6.11).
If it was not possible to make the connec-
tion to the units, an error message appears
and the start of the control programme with-
out connection to a DSM-480LAN (Demo
mode) is offered.
By clicking “Yes” the programme starts in
the demo mode with one or several virtual
units “Device Demo” in the list.
By clicking “No” the programme is fin-
If no connection is made, this may be due to
the following causes:
– a wrong interface has been adjusted
chapter 6.2)
– the units are not correctly connected
– a unit is not switched on
– the network adjustments at the computer
are not correct (for connection via Ether-
6) By double-clicking a unit in the list “List ID”
fig. 10) a window opens which shows the
present configuration of this unit.
In the window for each unit it is possible to switch
over the views presented as “tabs”: “Overview”,
“Delays”, “Gains” and the adjustments for each
input channel and output channel.
View “Overview”
This view (
fig. 11) offers a fast overview of
the configuration. It shows the four input chan-
nels on the left and the eight output channels on
the right. The lines in between represent the
assignment of the outputs to the inputs. This
assignment can be changed by clicking the
corresponding node points in the matrix display
on the top right. To change the mixing ratio of
the signals it is, however, required to change into
the view of the respective output channel
The type of signal source can be selected for
each input channel per list field. The icon
shows the muting of an input channel or output
channel in each case. Selecting a signal source
Via the list fields at the beginning of the four input
signal chains it is possible to select between the
analog input signal and the digital input signal in
each case. Besides, for test purposes, the two
signals generated internally “White noise” and
“Pink noise” are available for selection. This
adjustment corresponds to the menu item
in the menu to configure an input
chapter 5.3.2).
View “Delays”
This view (
fig. 12) offers an overview of the
delay adjustments of all inputs and outputs. In
addition, the assignment of the outputs to the
inputs is shown as lines. This assignment can be
changed by clicking the corresponding node
points in the matrix display on the top right. To
change the mixing ratio of the signals it is, how-
ever, required to change into the view of the
respective output channel (
To change the delay values, click the arrows
next to the input fields: Make a coarse adjust-
ment with the arrows above “Adj”, a fine adjust-
ment with the arrows above “Fine”. Alternatively,
the value can also directly be entered into a field.
Then the number entered is rounded to the next
possible value.
When changing the values, it is possible to
link the inputs or outputs to facilitate the input of
the same values (
chapter 6.4.6). Unit for signal delay
The unit for the signal delay may be selected
under “Units” as “Time” (time in ms) or “Meter”
(distance in m) [details
chapter 5.2.1]. This
adjustment changes the units for all delay times
of this device.
View “Gains”
This view (
fig. 13) offers an overview of the
gain adjustments of all input channels and output
channels. In addition, the muting of all channels
and the phase reversal and the LED indication
types of the outputs are shown.
To change the amplification of a channel,
move the corresponding control with the mouse
or, with a control selected, on the keyboard with
the arrow keys or the scrolling keys. To mute a
channel or to cancel the muting, click the button
“Mute” under the corresponding control. With the
channel muted, the button is red.
When changing the values, it is possible to
link the inputs or outputs to facilitate the input of
the same values (
chapter 6.4.6). Phase reversal (Phase)
A tick in the field “Phase 180°” under the control
of an output channel indicates the phase reversal
of the output signal (compare “Polarity”
chap -
ter 5.4.10). To switch over, click the field. LED indication (Vu-Meter Mode)
Under “Vu-Meter Mode” it is possible to select
the type of the LED indication for each output.
The options correspond to the following adjust-
ments in the unit (
chapter 5.4.11).
Limiter Act
RMS Cmp Act
View of an input channel
This view (
fig. 14) offers a clearly arranged
presentation for all parameters of the correspon-
ding input. When changing the values, it is pos-
sible to link the input channels to facilitate the
input of the same values for several input chan-
nels (
chapter 6.4.6).
Unit list “List ID”
View “Overview”