P a g e |
Never ride your cycle on public streets, roads, highways, at night or when visibility
is limited. Inspect cycle for damage. Do not ride a damaged cycle.
Power Switch: Ensure the Power switch is in the “OFF” position during the Pre-Ride
Inspection and remains “OFF” until the rider is sitting on the saddle, both hands grip-
ping the handle bars, both feet flat on the ground.
Throttle: Ensure the battery is removed and the power switch is in the “OFF” posi-
tion. Ensure there are no cracks or visible damage. Check that the throttle rotates
freely and the return spring returns the throttle back to the “ZERO” position from the
“FULL”. If the throttle does not rotate freely and automatically return back to “ZERO”
when released, contact an authorized repair center before using the cycle.
Brake: Check brake for proper function. When you squeeze lever, brake should
provide positive braking action. Make sure that brake is not rubbing when lever is
released. Adjust as required prior to use. See “Brake Adjustment” below.
Side Panels and Chain Guard: Verify side panels and chain guard are properly in-
Tires: Periodically inspect tires for excess wear and aging. Regularly check tire pres-
sure and inflate as per tire sidewall.
Frame, Fork, Stem and Handlebars: Check for cracks and loose hardware. Broken
components are rare, however it is possible for a reckless rider to run into a curb or
object and cause damage. Get into the regular habit of inspecting your cycle every
time you ride it!
Hardware/Loose Parts: Check all hardware, such as nuts, bolts, cables, fasteners, etc.
to ensure they are secure. There should not be any unusual rattles or sounds from
loose parts or broken components. If the unit is damaged, do not ride it. Safety Gear:
Check that proper protective gear, such as an approved and properly fitted safety
helmet, eye-wear, athletic shoes (closed toe shoes with rubber soles), elbow pads,
kneepads, etc., are in place prior to riding. Keep shoelaces tied and out of the way of
the wheels, motor and drive system. NEVER RIDE BAREFOOTED OR IN SANDALS.
Laws and Regulations: Check and obey any local laws or regulations prior to riding.
Insurance: Verify with your insurance company that your existing insurance policies
provide necessary coverage for cycle use.