May 2006
Rev 2
Application note
STR91x hardware development
getting started
The STR91x MCUs are derivatives of the STMicroelectronics STR9 family of 32-bit 0.18µ
HCMOS microcontrollers. They combine high CPU performance (CPU frequency up to 96
MHz) with rich peripheral functionalities and enhanced I/O capabilities. They offer up to 96
MIPS directly from Flash memory, very large SRAM with optional battery backup and
support clock generation via PLL or via an external clock. The STR91x can perform signal-
cycle DSP instructions good for speech processing, audio algorithms, and low-end imaging.
This application note provides a complement to the information in the STR91x datasheet
and reference manual by describing the minimum hardware environment required to build
an application around the STR91x. It’s divided into six chapters: minimum hardware
requirements, power supply, clock management, reset control, development and debugging
tool support and basic schematic. Each chapter gives the hardware needed for each
specific section and does not describe the STR91x blocks in detail. To get detailed
description of these features, refer to STR91x datasheet and reference manual or STR910
Eval-Board datasheet.