The LDO can be set to one out of four different modes. One mode corresponds to the regulator switched OFF and
the three other modes to the regulator switched ON, in which case the mode depends on the application
operating modes:
Switched OFF:
The Vcore is supplied externally through the VCAP pin (bypass mode);
Or the Vcore is supplied through the SMPS step-down converter (see
In Run mode:
The LDO regulator supplies the core and the backup domains;
The LDO regulator output voltage can be dynamically scaled by programming the voltage scaling
(VOS0 to VOS3) depending on the required performance (see the reference manual
STM32H725/735 and STM32H730 advanced Arm
-based 32-bit MCUs
In Stop mode
The LDO regulator output level is reduced to the state programmed before entering stop mode (SVOS3
to SVOS5). The register and the SRAMs content is kept.
For SVOS3, further power reduction can be achieved by setting the regulator in low power deep sleep
mode (for SVOS4 and SVOS5 the low power deep sleep mode is set automatically).
In Standby mode:
The regulator is powered down. The registers and SRAM content are lost except for those related to
the standby circuitry and the backup domain.
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