www.ssz-gmbh.de [email protected] Thüringerstrasse 17, 46286 Dorsten
Keep the operating manual at accessible location during the
entire service life of the product. This operating manual shall
be passed onto any subsequent owners / users of the product.
Any updates to the contents of the operating manual, received
from the product manufacturer, shall immediately be included
in this operating manual.
The technical personnel shall be familiar with assembly and
mounting techniques, as well as with the functions of devices
and systems.
This operating manual is valid only for the product specified on
the title page. In addition to this operating manual, the following
documents shall be followed:
structure drawings of machine / device, remaining at the
customer’s disposal (optional),
a schematic drawing of connection
an assembly drawing of devices with SSZ sensor(s) - see
Annex No. 1 to this operating manual.
This operating manual is a part of the product
The control unit is a part of the system:
SSZ pressure sensitive safety pr a
control unit. The system shall be connected
to a machine by properly trained technical
personnel only.
In no event shall the SSZ GmbH Company be
liable for any damages arising from or being
a consequence of the product usage not in
compliance with the operating manual.
The target group of this operating manual
includes the product end-user and properly
trained personnel (operators), authorised to
use the product.
Before use of the product, read thoroughly
this operating manual.
SSZ-RZ4/SSZ-RZ4B control units are intended to generate a
safety-related signal for emergency stop of machines and other
technical devices. The control units may also be used to generate
warning signals of persons. The control units are designed for
analysis and control of two-channel elements of in an electric
circuit, including SSZ safety edges, SSZ safety mats and SSZ
safety bumpers.
In wires, including the voltage supply wire, constant monitoring
covers: electric energy flow direction, short-circuits and crossed
wires, in compliance with the constant current principle.
SSZ-RZ4/SSZ-RZ4B control units can be supplied with direct
current: 10.6 VDC - 36 VDC or an alternating current 8 VAC - 24V
AC with frequency 50/60 Hz.
In either case, the polarity of connected wires is not important.
The RZ4B control unit is designed for exclusive
use with a safety bumper.