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Dyaco Canada Inc. 2017
The treadmill is designed so that the tread-belt remains reasonably centered while in use. It is
normal for some belts to drift near one side while in use, depending on a user’s gait and if they favor
one leg.
But if during use the belt continues to move toward one side, adjustments are necessary.
Setting Tread-belt Tracking
An 8mm Allen wrench is provided for this adjustment. Make
tracking adjustments on the left side bolt. Set belt speed at 3
mph. Be aware that a small adjustment can make a dramatic
difference which may not be apparent right away. If the belt
is too close to the left side, then turn the bolt only a 1/4 turn
to the right (clockwise) and wait a few minutes for the belt to
adjust itself. Continue to make 1/4 turns until the belt stabilizes
in the center of the running deck.
If the belt is too close to the right side, turn the bolt counter-clockwise. The belt may require periodic
tracking adjustment depending on use and walking/running characteristics. Some users may affect
tracking differently. Expect to make adjustments as required to center the tread-belt. Adjustments
will become less of a maintenance concern as the belt is used. Proper belt tracking is an owner
responsibility common with all treadmills.
Damage to the running belt resulting from improper tracking / tension adjustments is not covered
under the Spirit Fitness warranty.
1. Remove the safety key
2. Press and hold down the Start and Fast + buttons and replace the safety key. Continue to hold the
Start and Fast key until the window displays “Factory settings”, then press the Enter key.
3. You will now be able to set the display to show Metric or English settings (Miles vs. Kilometers).
To do this, press the up or down key to show which you want, then press Enter.
4. Make sure the wheel size diameter is 2.98 then press Enter
5. Adjust the minimum speed (if needed) to 0.5 and then press Enter
6. Adjust the maximum speed (if needed) to 12.0 and then press Enter
7. Adjust the maximum elevation (if needed) to 15 and then press Enter
8. Grade return–On (This allows the incline to return to zero when Stop is pressed. For sale in
Europe, EU standards require this to be off)
9. Press Start to begin calibration. The process is automatic; the speed will start up without warning,
so do not stand on the belt.