Phonitor 2
Home Listening
Home users can enjoy a central control unit for modern music play-
back of stereo signals that supports all known formats – and that with
an unheard-of price/performance ratio. As such, the Phonitor 2 does
justice to its central position. It is comforting to know that there is no
need to fear a sound bottleneck limiting your system in such a critical
spot in the chain.
The Phonitor 2 matches perfectly modern playback concepts: mini-
malist chains with active speakers and almost any pair of headphones
can be centrally fed via three different paths, thanks to an integrated
high-quality amplifying and signal-managing concept.
Sound Engineers
Besides being a reference-quality Monitor Controller, the Phonitor 2,
together with a carefully matched pair of headphones, offers profes-
sional users an excellent monitoring alternative to their main speak-
ers. The audio quality and features of the Phonitor 2 provide the best
conditions to work effectively without hearing fatigue.
120 Volt Technology
The foundations of this high-end-development is our 120 Volt refer-
ence technology: specially developed and manufactured op-amps
that run on an operating voltage of 120 volts, which corresponds to
approximately twice that of most modern analog audio semiconductor
technologies. Thanks to our 120-volt circuitry and processing we reach
outstanding performance levels, especially in terms of dynamic range
and headroom. As such, the technical specifications of the Phonitor 2
exceed all known analog and digital standards (please refer to the
“End Of Ear Fatigue” chapter on page 12).