Phonitor 2
If you are an audiophile listener you may find that you will not need
the Center function as you are mainly listening to finished recordings
that were mixed to sound well on loudspeakers. As a mix engineer you
will appreciate the center function as an essential tool for successful
mxing on headphones. The Center function helps to mix the phantom
center signals such as lead vocals, bass, kick and snare with the cor-
rect level to sound great on loudspeakers.
VU Meter
The VU meter displays the input level for each channel. Calibration is
set to +4dBU at 0 VU. The gauge indicates levels from -20 dB to +5 dB.
If necessary you can lower the sensitivity by 6 dB so that the gauge
goes up to +11 dB output level (see “VU Cal.“ below).
The VU meter is custom made to meet SPL specifications and assures
a balanced optical perception thanks to it’s optimized ballistics. The
integration time of the display complies with BBC requirements, rise
time up to 0 dB is approximately 300 ms.
VU Cal.
With this switch you can change the sensitivity of the VU display. If
you choose the +6 dB position, the range of the display is extended by
6 dB. With the +6 dB switch activated and the needle at 0 dB, a value of
+6 dB input level is displayed.
You can engage the Solo switch to monitor only the left or right chan-
nel of the stereo signal.
The Solo switch has three positions: L, R and OFF. The middle or OFF
position allows monitoring the stereo signal. Switch to L or R, and you
will hear only the left or right channels, respectively.
A selected solo channel defaults to retain in its respective left or right
position, and we call this function “Solo-in-Place”. However, should
you prefer to hear a chosen solo channel in both ears (“Solo-to-
Center”), you can additionally activate the Mono switch. This Solo-to-
Center variant also allows some interesting possibilities for compari-
son between two channels. You can, for instance, recognize immedi-
ately whether the sound of both channels contains comparably equal
highs and mids. Likewise you may ascertain quickly whether a signal
such as a voice, snare, kick or bass track (that you wished to locate in
the middle of the stereo field) has been placed properly – if not, this
setting will reveal different levels in the left and right channels.
Control Elements