Calibration of the Monitoring System
Calibration of the Monitoring System
The input signal level of the Crimson and the input sensitivity of the power amps or
active speakers should be matched to ensure a proper overall gain. An inappropriate
level matching results, for example, in a high monitoring level with a fairly low volume
setting (at 9 o’clock). Likewise, settings above two o’clock should sound really loud,
otherwise it is indicative of a matching problem.
For calibration we recommend using a SPL Meter (where SPL stands for “Sound Pressure
Level”). Place the measuring microphone at the listening position and playback pink
noise from a generator calibrated to 0 dBu. Each measurement should be done with one
channel (and loudspeaker) at a time. 83 dB SPL at the listening position is a good and
very common reference value.