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Figure 4-8 Layer Menu Flowchart
Mix Layer Split
: layer A and layer B is called superimposed layer, whose separation
means whether layer A and layer B can be allowed to appear in the same screen (preview
or program).
Open Mix Layer Split
: key A and Key B can be used separately. The channel of
program or preview can output at most three layers, which enlarge the degrees of freedom
used by the user and at the same time may create conflict layers (such as, the preview and
program in the same layer). When adding layer in the preview, it may add the same layer
with the program. As shown in Figure 4-9, the preview and program are both in layer A
and layer B.
Close Mix Layer Split:
press key A and Key B in the key panel, and then key A and
Key B will show the yellow light. At this time, key A and Key B can be taken as the only
one key, and the corresponding layer is on the top of the current preview display, as shown
in Figure 4-10.
Knob adjustment
Turn on, turn off
Knob adjustment
Turn on, turn off
Knob adjustment
Turn on, turn off
Preview Border
Modify On Program
Mix Layer Split